Tuesday, March 16, 2010

walking & apricot cream.

i;ve bought these new boots off etsy, they are real pretty however they break the shit out of my feet. i;ve bought leather stretcher, it didn;t really work so i;ve kinda developed a funny walk. i tried my hardest while wearing them at uni not to walk that badly, by simply walking very very slowly. finally on my walk home from the bus stop i let my retarded walk go loose, and then i realised how i was walking lyk; all those girls who wear boots doing the whole rocker image with diva necklaces. it;s an actual walk which i have now succumbed to in order to wear my really great boots. now i think about weather i want to be a part of that walk image or to just not wear the boots, it;s really quiet the dilemma. am i now going to have to invest in really crappy jewellery ? does that mean i actually have to wear jewellery ? (for all you men out there, i;m yr dream girl because i don;t care for jewellery, all you have to do is buy me a succulent or cactus, seriously that;s how i;m woo;d).

the womansion had a nutrimetics party on monday night i believe it was, i ended up buying incredibly expensive face wash & treatment. i was sold. she had a very influential selling technique & i have the best buying technique, you can honestly say anything to me & i will buy it. she told us all these cool facts i.e. australia has the second harshest climate in the world, (i mean woah) and showed us this powder you can put on yr face after you put yr normal make up on & oh my god it doesn;t smudge yr other makeup, (seriously mind blowing). this party made me realise however how much of a pushover i am, i believe anything. what kind of affect is this going to have on me in years to come ? i am starting to wonder.

i nearly bought this apricot cream which had 5.5 kg of apricot in it, apparently it heals errything. if you rub it on yr feet & then put socks over the top it makes yr blisters go away over night (currently have a few due to boots). i also have a scar on my ankle (a growth got cut out but once someone asked if it was from a skating accident, so i just go with that) & i want it to go away. luckily due to poor funds i could not afford the cream. i feel lyk i;m missing out on some amazing medical treatment, all done by apricots, a tasty summer treat. maybe i should buy 5.5 kg of apricots and make my own jizz ?

i love the narrators voice in the royal tenenbaums & the tennis commentators in it. i want them to read to me every evening.

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