Saturday, March 20, 2010

hurty legs !

so i rode my bike today to work, that did ok, i rode my bike home, that didn;t do so well.
i hope nobody i know actually sees me ride a bike because i;m possibly the worst bike rider i.e. i tried to turn a corner and ended up on grass, missing the pavement entirely and tried to cover my shock at how bad a move i had just made with a kind of casual smile lyk i had actually intended on pulling that move. i;m also horrible at mounting & dismounting. i really hope nobody sees me ride unless i;m on my bike because that;s when i look lyk a 'babe'.

however me riding has resulted in extremely sore legs. the rest of my afternoon started off ok, well i could walk. went out to the north perth bowls club, had an enjoyable evening, spent my night walking home dragging my right leg. my legs have not been in so much pain for so long, i actually started crying, i even fell over when trying to get up off my bed. the solution was eating a bowl of pasta bake, i don;t care what anyone says, i love it & it sat perfectly & felt me up in all the right places.

this blog has taken me about 30 minutes to write because there is a bag of twisties right next to me also and i keep having handfuls of them. om nom nom nom nom ! i;m going to go to bed, fall asleep watching the cat returns, sleep in & down painkillers so that i never have to feel my legs again. (twisties in hand then mouth).

p.s. virtuosity is a really weird movie. the special effects are priceless.

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