Friday, March 5, 2010

chicken & mayo sandwhich gone wrong part one;

for lunch i was really craving a sandwhich, i decided about chicken schnitzel with mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato and onion. as it was going into my mouth, down my throat, into my stomach and later into my intestines (i know heaps about human biology & digestive systems) it was tasting real good.
about an hour later as i was in the city, i was craving a bit of lemonade, so evidently i bought some & it was yum yum. i noticed however after sipping this delicious beverage that my stomach was indeed feeling a bit funny, i thought it was the sprite just sitting in my stomach & being weird, maybe even acting out towards me for inducing it.
as i left the city, just before i reached my car my throat was preparing itself for some stomach contents to come it;s way, including the action of over salivation. now this was happening on a busy st and i could not bear having anyone coming up to me & bothering me while i was in the zone, or the fact that i would be barfing on a tree, so i swallowed and swallowed and then decided i would rather throw up on myself than in public. i managed to survive the ride home, felt fine & dandy, until...

my housemate came home from uni & so we decided upon getting some dinner. we got to leederville, she ordered her burger & as i was about to get cash out, the over salivation began again. i ran down an alley way and had my way with my throat. an epic experience as part of my epic lifestyle. finally when we reached home, it all came out; this is where i got to see my once lovely sandwhich not looking so lovely. the moral of the story is, don;t eat chicken schnitzel & mayo sandwhiches even though you trust the place that makes them. & never barf on a tree, it;s no fair !

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