Friday, March 19, 2010

bike ride

i went on my second bike ride today, to get off my butt, only to sit on my butt but have the additional aspect of moving legs.
i think i rename the bike, 'black stallion' or maybe even just 'the stallion' yeh i think i lyk that one better. it;s all black with mustard yellow on the tyres, the previous owner (weinor) named it 'black beauty' and after putting a $50 deposit down it became mine.

yesterday was my first bike ride in i;d say about a few months, no soft seat = being taken advantage of. however if you stand up the seat can rub up the right way at the gentlest touch. even though my whole groin/butt area feels lyk it;s bruised & when poked (not entirely sure as to why it would be poked ?) i squirm, i continued on with my trek. i thoroughly enjoi riding around the back streets, i see all these houses i hope never change or become modernized. i;ve seen one 'modernisationed' house across from hyde park, it really just DOES NOT work. classic stylez are best.

half got lost but i managed to find my way by going 'ok i went downhill down this street so if i go uphill in whatever street i come across i;ll get to somewhere i know'. i think i;m getting better at this whole directions thing. last time i was in morley trying to get my youth allowance i got lost for an hr wearing black pants and stuck in the sun, no shade and i mean no shade and i;m pretty sure that;s the sweatiest i;ve ever gotten. not to mention smelling awful. you know how you get to the stage of smelling bad lyk 'oh there;s a tad b.o popping up here', then you go past that little tad to PUTRID. i was that person, i spent $12 on a new clinically proven deoderant (now it just stops me from sweating but not from smelling, so i guess clare is right in saying i have a smell problem, maybe). but the thing was i shouldn;t have gotten lost because my iphone has GPS which told me all the streets and the EXACT path to take, only i didn;t get it, resulting in me on the verge of tears, sweating, smelling & looking unpleasant. my groinal area was even wet, but not in the good way, the way i would have preferred it to have been. i kind of forgot to the point of relating this story to my current story, i guess the moral could be i;m awful with reading maps and anything with directions.

i stopped by a playground and sat on the swings, it felt pleasant until i realised i;d skulled a full milk coffee before going to get me pumped up ! and then i started feeling a bit queeezy, and somehow retardely enough i got a cramp in my left leg from not really even moving it. i thereby decided to get off the swing and move onto sitting down and gazing on the parkland. the first thing i thought of was 'is this parkland over an old rubbish site?' i learnt about these things, most parklands are made over old rubbish tip sites as there;s nothing you can do with the waste anymore except cover it. neat-o ! but sometimes when i;m alone and i can see nobody there, i kind of get amazed at the fact that there;s over 6 billion people in the world and i;m 1 of those 6 billion people and i;m standing alone in this one place and nobody else is there & this place is great. i enjoi thinking about things lyk that, it;s pleasant to my brain.

i rode home and collapsed on the couch, i feel real dizzy now. i probably shouldn;t have skulled that coffee and then rode real fast and then went on a swing and then pondered about parks being built over rubbish sites (though i do wonder whether the world will push it all back out and the core would laugh in our faces for being so stoopid about our waste, i just imagine an orange perfect circle ball with a great face lol'ing) hopefully by then though me and the core would be great friends & would spare me my life.

i;m now going to make pasta bake and salad and go om nom nom nom nom because i haven;t yet had a proper meal today and it;s 6;03pm.

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