Sunday, February 28, 2010

weekend entailings;

  • beck;s music box
  • health
  • white wine
  • vodka
  • ruby woo
  • deathly punch (drink not too the face)
  • bruises
  • cut lip
  • cut up roof of mouth
  • damage to tongue webbing piercing
  • toothbrush down throat (only leading to coughing & over production of saliva rather than the actual intention of causing throwing up)
  • being spoken dirty too (oh & french guy i looked up the translation of my name in english to french translator and it did not mean those dirty dirty things you claimed my name meant)
  • breakfast at cantina
  • snot on dress
  • still kind of drunk at work leading to not hearing customers properly & most likely causing them a lot of frustration.
  • way too good people.
obviously my weekend consisted of alcoholism leading me to feel lyk an old lady. i found a bottle of wine in my bag this morning, i;m so glad that i didn;t open it last night, otherwise i feel lyk i never would have recovered, that would then be called an 'epic fail'. i however want to live the 'epically good lifestyle'. the end.

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