Thursday, February 25, 2010

university; day three.

after sitting in my class for two hours in which i drew a birds eye view of my room which incorporated where i would place all my furniture (an important task) and a shopping list which is healthy & good for me (full of fruit and vegetables), which most likely i will not eat due to a hectic schedule and party/punk/rock & roll lifestyle i lead (being a burger bitch is hard work), i only caught onto the last thing my lecturer said;

'this year there will be a disease that will kill millions & we don;t know what it is'.

probably not those exact words but i put them in bold so that it would emphasis it as being said lyk a dark scene in a campfire horror story. i want to know what this disease will be, what it mutated from, will it attack me ? i;m thinking i should start exercising & eating my fruit and vegetables.

thank you microbiology.

look here; i get to learn about him & how he works.

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