Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pleasantries of life;

  • skittles
  • fruit tingles
  • arrested development
  • best coast

  • Tuesday, April 20, 2010


    for the first time in a month, i woke up happy & ready to go.
    it felt amazing, i actually wanted to study & wanted to fulfill my ambitions.
    i felt lyk i could do anything.
    i want to do everything.

    it was a good day today.

    what positivity can do to you;

    Sunday, April 18, 2010


    mental problems combined with a 9 am exam monday morning = fail.

    fail squared.
    fail cubed.
    fail foured.

    Friday, April 16, 2010


    i decided i want to become a super-model.
    until i saw this;

    now i just want to do anything totoro does,
    (really i;d still lyk to be a super model.)

    Thursday, April 15, 2010


    recently pur-chased the first album, it;s amazing. every album is mind blowing. there is no existance without beach house, they make the world more beautiful.

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    things guaranteed to make one feel better;

    • the american office
    • bike rides
    • plants, succulents, cacti, the whole sha-bang !
    • ice cream
    • a nice tasting pasta bake
    • a comfy bed with comfy pillows
    • macbook with wireless internet, with the american office and wallpaper of a rainforest as well as holding pictures of succulents and cacti and bicycles.
    • TOTORO ! x totoro x totoro x totoro. (you can never have enough totoro !)
    i real lyk my bike x alot.
    if you haven;t watched the american office, you need to, you haven;t lived.