Tuesday, July 27, 2010

thirteen point five hour day.

the longest day i;ve done, no break.
the toilet was the only time i sat down.

it;s 10.36 and i crave soysauges, a shower & you.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


today so far i have learnt that i can make kooky/cute/punk songs with just distorted guitar and me shouting.
i;m pretty excited.
now i just need a band name.
totes gonna eat some tahini yoghurt and play melodica in the kitchen and write up a resume.


p.s. rock on.

perisian carpet.

26/7/2010; game on.

NO !

55 = NU UH !

50 = YEH !

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


one day i;ll be able to grow leaves again.

Monday, July 19, 2010

pictures i lyk;

everyday i dream about what my cafe would look lyk. i would sell succulents and cacti inside as well as make a real great coffee, it would be really cute.
i would still have dark eyebrows.

the one photo i never got a chance to send to you;

Friday, July 16, 2010


i love them dark and thick.

possibly best ever.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

life continues to throw shit in my face;

i met you.
i lyked you alot, you inspired me.
i lost you.

now; can;t eat, sleep, talk.
everything reminds me of you.
i;m weak & i feel sick 24 hours a day.

on top of everything else.

i just want something good, i want a second chance, i want to be alone, i don;t want to be alone, i don;t want to feel sick anymore, i don;t want to feel lyk death every morning, i don;t want seperated days, i;m sick of taking things one day at a time, i;m over it, it;s been that way my entire life.
i don;t want anymore drama. i;m too young to have all this happen to me.

please just give me something good.

Monday, July 5, 2010

sea horses;

i read this in eating animals today;
"Sea horses, more than most animals, inspire wonder--they draw our attention to the astonishing similarities and discontinuities between each kind of creature and every other. They can change colour to blend in with their surroundings, and beat their dorsal fins nearly as fast as a hummingbird beats it's wings. Because they have no teeth or stomach, food moves through them almost instantly, requiring them to eat constantly. (Hence such adaptations as eyes that move independently, which allow them to search for prey without turning their heads.) Not terribly good swimmers, they can die of exhaustion when caught in even small currents, so they prefer to anchor themselves to sea grasses or coral, or to each other--they like to swim in pairs, linked by their prehensile tails. Sea horses have complicated routines for courtship, and tend to mate under full moons, making musical sounds while doing so. They live in long-term monogamous partnerships. What is perhaps most unusual, though, is that it is the male sea horse that carries the young for up to six weeks. Males become properly 'pregnant', not only carrying, but fertilizing and nourishing the developing eggs with fluid secretions. The image of males giving birth is perpetually mind-blowing; a turbid liquid bursts forth from the brood pouch, and like magic, minuscule but fully formed sea horses appear out of the cloud."

i thought it was beautiful.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

dear skins;

jack o connell, yr real awesome looking in the face slash probably everywhere.
skins however continues to get more and more epic each season as i found out tonight.

current life; working, making out with some awesome dude who has a moo-stache and can proudly tie his hair into a pony tail (i know, he;s really achieved in life) and eating icecream.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010


i found the perfect house;

in the perfect area;

with the perfect bed;

i guess this little dude can run around too;

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pleasantries of life;

  • skittles
  • fruit tingles
  • arrested development
  • best coast

  • Tuesday, April 20, 2010


    for the first time in a month, i woke up happy & ready to go.
    it felt amazing, i actually wanted to study & wanted to fulfill my ambitions.
    i felt lyk i could do anything.
    i want to do everything.

    it was a good day today.

    what positivity can do to you;

    Sunday, April 18, 2010


    mental problems combined with a 9 am exam monday morning = fail.

    fail squared.
    fail cubed.
    fail foured.

    Friday, April 16, 2010


    i decided i want to become a super-model.
    until i saw this;

    now i just want to do anything totoro does,
    (really i;d still lyk to be a super model.)

    Thursday, April 15, 2010


    recently pur-chased the first album, it;s amazing. every album is mind blowing. there is no existance without beach house, they make the world more beautiful.

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    things guaranteed to make one feel better;

    • the american office
    • bike rides
    • plants, succulents, cacti, the whole sha-bang !
    • ice cream
    • a nice tasting pasta bake
    • a comfy bed with comfy pillows
    • macbook with wireless internet, with the american office and wallpaper of a rainforest as well as holding pictures of succulents and cacti and bicycles.
    • TOTORO ! x totoro x totoro x totoro. (you can never have enough totoro !)
    i real lyk my bike x alot.
    if you haven;t watched the american office, you need to, you haven;t lived.

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    two words which make me freak out;

    general anaesthetic,

    TOTORO ! my one true love,

    my housemate bestowed this picture for me, i must say she made my day, week, life.
    she understood my feelings for totoro & that makes me real happy.
    totoro, you will be my favourite forever.

    you & me baby;

    the epic lifestyle includes;

    TAB bets,

    high waisted real tight black jeans,

    snorting coke to get thin and not buy food because you only have $15 for two weeks,



    sick fixed gear bikes or 'fixies',

    real cool watches,

    mad beats,

    giant building sized goon bags for those memorable times,

    miniature donkey, for that long term investment, you know ?